Roles / rights / access / user responsibilities: what does it correspond to?

In any organization, each employee has a clearly defined role and a set of responsibilities that give them access to certain information.

It is possible to do the same on Djaboo. We have provided you with everything you need in terms of employee management.

Create and choose the role of your collaborator

Go to the settings,

Access to parameters

Then Rôles

Access to roles

Create or modify a Role. In a first case, we will create one. Example : Accounting

Management of roles/responsibilities

Give a name to this Role in our case, it will be Accountant:

Once on it, you can Add roles then click on it and modify the accesses. In this menu, you will be able to select the responsibilities you wish to grant to each type of collaborator that you have specified.

NB: it is impossible to modify the “Administrator” role. The goal is to protect yourself from yourself. 😉

Administrator : This is the super-user par excellence. This right gives access to all the menus of the tool as well as to the settings elements. It is therefore to be reserved for leaders / managers or trusted employees. 

Edit existing user roles

Go to settings, then Roles and click on the pen to change the role.

Management of existing collaborator roles