Create a new lead

  • Go to the Leads view in the main menu on the left side and click on the New Lead button.
  • You can also, for a quick approach, add from the Quick Create menu by clicking on the slider at the top left and clicking on New Lead, a modal will be opened on the page you are on in Djaboo.
  • If you mark that the prospect will be visible to all staff members , otherwise it will be visible to the affected member, creator and administrators. Additionally, if you want a specific staff member to see all leads, you can add a permissions view
  • Leads can be created by all staff members, staff members who are not administrators will be able to see the prospects in the following cases:
    • If the lead is created by the staff member themselves.
    • If the lead is marked as public.
    • If the lead is not created by the employee, that staff member is assigned to that lead.

If you made contact the day you added this prospect, do not uncheck the field Contacted today in the database which will be automatically updated.