Online project management software

Manage a multitude of projects in one place

One of the main problems in project management is the lack of visibility. A project piloted blindly is a project doomed to failure. To guarantee the success of your project, it is essential to plan it well, but also to monitor its progress in real time. With Djaboo manage and track your projects from day one to delivery date in one place. You no longer need to switch from one application to another, from one spreadsheet to another and a multitude of tools to stay in control of your projects.

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Manage a multitude of projects in one place

Our project management software

Our project management software is a computer tool that allows you to analyze your tasks, assess their difficulties and manage your priorities. It is a software that is used by companies in the following sectors: construction, engineering, finance, IT services and environment. Our project management software allows you to follow the steps to solve a problem that you have planned or to complete a task. Our project management software includes decision support modules, such as financial or treasurer statements.

Your djaboo project management software

Assess project performance

The expected results of a project are not always achieved. What if the costs are higher than expected or if the objectives have not been achieved? It is possible to reassess the performance of a project, but when should you do it? In fact, this process is essential for the project to be successful. It is true that all projects must be successful. Performance is measured against various criteria. It is essential to evaluate the performance of the project to know its evolution. This aspect is essential, because it reflects the state of progress of the project: what is the number of new projects, the frequency of execution of the tasks, the number of modifications required following exchanges with the customer, etc. Get a clear, real-time overview of everything you need to know about your project at a glance with our online project management software. Instantly view project progress, milestones and deadlines, budget status, estimated and time spent on tasks. Stay on top of your projects!
Assess project performance
djaboo gantt chart

Create your own project workflows

Project workflows are a great way to make sure your projects or tasks get done. They should be used by any group of individuals who participate in actions related to a common project. This can include employees, customers and even suppliers. Project workflows are generally defined by the manager. Otherwise, they are created internally. It is important to keep them in order to continue the activities of the project. Quickly create similar projects with a predefined sequence of activities using project workflows. Specify stages, milestones, and a set of tasks to free your teammates from repeatedly creating the same projects from scratch. Focus on the goals and bring real value to your customers!

Maximize efficiency with the Kanban board

The Kanban board is a tool to maximize efficiency. This is a table that is used to visualize the different tasks to be performed in a company. It is very useful for project management, but also for other types of activities. View your project work, prioritize tasks, and reschedule as needed. Get an understanding of your project's progress and how different tasks move through the stages. Let your team's effort focus only on the tasks that need to be done now.
Client project categories
djaboo gantt chart

Keep track of project cash flow

Preparing for your financing is a complex process. You will need to analyze the financial situation of your company, take into account the different operations you will carry out and the expenses you will incur throughout the research and exploitation phase. Keep track of the project's cash flow and avoid unpleasant surprises if you want to launch your project in the best possible conditions. Cash flow planning is the key to successful project implementation. Easily forecast project revenues, calculate costs and compare them to actual results. Control plan execution and monitor overall project profitability with powerful project tracking CRM software.

Track time spent on projects

Are you looking for an online stopwatch that will allow you to track the time your team has spent on each project? With a time management app, you will be able to easily track each employee's time. Then, you will be able to analyze in a very precise way the performance of your employees individually and by group. This way, you'll know how much time each and everyone has spent on each task, and you'll also be able to make smarter business and strategic decisions. It is very important to improve the efficiency of your business and maximize the value of resources, by using a time management application, which will allow you to monitor the time of each employee. With a time tracking app, you'll be able to better communicate with employees and their supervisors. Indeed, it is certain that if a project is delayed, employees need to be informed immediately. And if a project is completed ahead of schedule, it's important that employees are informed and rewarded. As you can see, time management is easier with online timing software.
Client project categories
djaboo gantt chart

Gantt chart

Your project timeline and the Gantt chart on it are automatically created when you view a task list. You can also create a Gantt chart from a blank calendar, if you like. To modify a Gantt chart, you must open the Create Gantt Chart dialog box and check the Use existing tasks linked to this activity checkbox. Then you can add tasks and activities in the diagram. If you don't want to use existing tasks, you can start by creating a diagram

Project tags

Classifying your projects is the first step towards success. Stay organized with project categories/tags. Quickly sort by project category when working on multiple projects. Before undertaking anything, it is important to clearly define your priorities and objectives. It's a great way to spot tasks that need to be done, and know how to proceed based on their importance. There's nothing like ranking all the projects according to your priority to complete them.
Client project categories
Create milestones for your djaboo projects

Manage each of your tasks

Add tasks and projects, assign them to your team members. Visualize the progress of your project automatically according to the tasks carried out.

To-do list : Create your personal to-do lists and manage your work more efficiently. Each team member and your clients can add their personal to-do list.

Recurring tasks : Create tasks that will be repeated automatically over a predefined period.

Team tasks : Assign a task to several members of your team, add task followers, comments, attachments, ...

Log project issues

In the context of a project, you have to watch out for problems and manage them. Frequently, project teams focus on getting the job done. But over time, some overlooked details may end up causing additional problems or delays. That's why it's important to monitor the status and overall health of the project with a simple issue log. This log can help you capture issues and manage these details more easily.
Invoice per project

Invoices by projects

You need a tool that allows you to manage and share invoices related to a project. Manage your invoices by creating a dashboard for your project. Here you will store invoice details, such as vendor names, quantity ordered, and amount paid. You will also be able to categorize invoices according to their type, which will allow you to have better control over the state of your finances.
Invoice per project
djaboo time tracking sheet

time tracking sheet

Some of your collaborators complain of being overwhelmed, while others seem to manage their tasks perfectly. Maybe the workload is not evenly distributed or you lack resources? View your team's timesheets by project. Very practical, this tool also allows you to identify the time needed to complete a task or to establish the cost of the project.

Project progress kanban

It is impossible to predict how long it will take to complete a task. However, you can keep an eye on your team, and check if everything is going according to the roadmap and the estimated time. If you see that your employees are late, it probably means they are in trouble. You could then take steps to help them out. For example, you could ask everyone for a regular report on their work, so you know how well they are progressing.
Invoice per project
djaboo time tracking sheet

Add more context to your projects

Custom lists let you organize all the information your business needs. And that's what saves you a lot of time. You can create a custom list with different columns, each corresponding to a type of data — inventory, agreements, letters, etc. You can then create custom lists for each type of data. Custom lists allow you to organize and save your data in one place, and it makes your business a whole lot easier.

Schedule events

Don't leave anything to chance. The calendar is an indispensable tool for planning and managing appointments. It lets you create appointments, plan trips, keep track of presentations, meetings and functions, and much more. It can also help you track your daily, half-yearly and annual goals. In addition, you can also give access to your calendar to your collaborators and customers, indicating the dates of appointments, the times of presentation and all the information necessary for the organization of a meeting or a presentation.
Invoice per project
djaboo time tracking sheet

Manage project documents

Store your files and documents in one place to organize them and find them quickly when needed thanks to the collaboration module. Here is a clear feature that will allow you to use your personal space effectively. You can organize your files and documents in one place. This will save you from losing or wasting time searching for information. Plus, all authorized stakeholders can access your documents and files at all times, creating greater flexibility in collaboration.

Keep all emails in one place

Connect your email account to our CRM and track your emails in one place. Associate your emails with projects and get a consolidated view of all customer communications. Always be aware of the progress of your project! Do you know the following problem: being overwhelmed with e-mails, not knowing what to do and not having enough time to properly follow up on the many activities of your company? We have the solution for you !
Invoice per project
djaboo time tracking sheet

Track project workload

See at a glance how busy your managers are on all projects and how your team's work is organized. Make sure no one is overworked or underworked and keep your business on track! For this, you can use our free project management software which allows you to visualize all the resources at the same time. This way you can ensure that no one is too busy or not busy enough.

Keep Conversations Separate

Growing businesses can struggle to coordinate remote teams. You want to take joint action, but you can't do it if you don't share the necessary information or if you don't deal with the task at hand in time. The ideal solution is to synchronize the efforts of your entire team. One solution that meets all of these requirements is to keep all conversations in one place. This is what online collaboration offers.
Invoice per project
djaboo time tracking sheet

Communicate effectively

Use comments to easily collaborate on your tasks, leave project notes, attach files, or provide updates. Use @mentions to discuss important details with your teammates or request a response if you need their expert help. There is also another way to communicate effectively with your teams. It's called "cats". They are like conversations within private channels, and you can easily use them to call members of your team, or invite them to join an existing chat.

Stay updated

Use online project management software such as ours to be notified of relevant project updates and always keep track of your project's progress. Avoid cluttering your feed with unnecessary notifications: use intuitive settings to choose which updates to follow. You certainly receive a lot of notifications on your mobile phone. However, these notifications are often useless and waste a lot of your time. Also, it can be difficult to identify the information that really matters to you. In this context, it may be a good idea to turn to project management software in
Invoice per project