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Comment mener sa carrière dans le marketing technique ? Conseils et astuces.

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You’ll need a solid technical marketing strategy if you sell a complex product or service. This type of marketing requires a firm understanding of the technical aspects behind your product. You’ll also need to communicate complex processes clearly. Without technical expertise, your marketing team will have a difficult time developing content that resonates with your core audience. In this post, we’ll look at why technical marketing is so important, as well as the skills necessary to succeed in a technical marketing role.

Table of Contents

  • When to Use Technical Marketing

  • Technical Marketing Best Practices

  • 7 Tips to Kickstart Your Career in Technical Marketing

When to Use Technical Marketing

Technical marketing is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. It’s particularly important to use when consumers are very knowledgeable about the subject matter and have a detailed understanding of the product or service. A general overview may work for some industries or products. But for someone who knows the ins and outs of your industry already, they’ll want more in-depth information.

A few industries that benefit from technical marketing the most include:

  • Software
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Aerospace
  • Electronics

Within these industries, there are some scenarios when technical marketing is most beneficial in helping marketing teams communicate with customers, generate quality leads, and meet their business goals.

User Manuals

Technical marketing details how a product or service works. These marketers specifically focus on how the offering will benefit the user. This is typically more necessary in technical fields where the products are more complex, such as engineering or electronics. A user manual, also referred to as a user guide or instruction manual, is documentation that provides a user with a detailed explanation of how to use a product or service.

Software Programs and Applications

Another crucial use case for technical marketing is creating documentation for software programs and applications. This can include documentation for developers, as well as customer-facing documentation for product-savvy consumers.

Assembly Instructions

If you’ve ever had to build a piece of IKEA furniture, then you know that simplifying complex processes can significantly affect the user experience. This use case is unique to products that need to be constructed or assembled, such as manufacturing parts, electronics, or furniture.

Help Articles

Help center articles, product walk-through videos, and anything else that provides in-depth instruction all fall under how-to content. You’ll need technical writing experience, critical thinking skills, and product insights to produce this technical marketing content.

Technical Marketing Best Practices

Understanding your audience is crucial in any marketing strategy. However, technical marketing requires even more creativity to make complex products and services easy to understand. Here are some best practices:

Understand your audience

Marketing is all about understanding your audience’s needs and pain points to navigate them toward a useful solution. In technical marketing, you need to conduct in-depth audience research and think critically to communicate in a way that resonates, educates, and drives leads. A complete understanding of your product or service’s USPs, capabilities, and benefits is essential to outweigh the customer’s understanding.

Sharpen your industry knowledge

To excel in technical marketing, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of the industry. Stay updated with the latest developments, trends, and tools in your field. This will help you better understand your customer and position your brand as an expert, improving your online presence and search rankings.

Get product training

To effectively market a technical product or service, you need to have in-depth knowledge of how it works. Get product training from the engineering or product team to experience the product as both a user and an internal member. This will help you identify any technical aspects that require better marketing or clearer communication.

Lean into storytelling

While technical marketing deals with data and specifications, storytelling elements can enhance your content. Get creative and put yourself in the user’s shoes to tell a story that helps users visualize themselves using your product.

7 Tips to Kickstart Your Career in Technical Marketing

If you’re interested in a career in technical marketing, here are seven tips to help you get started:

1. Choose the role you want to focus on

In technical marketing, there are several roles to consider, such as a Technical Marketing Manager or Technical Writer. Choose the role that aligns with your strengths and interests.

For example, a Technical Marketing Manager is responsible for all technical marketing activities and requires a wide business knowledge, while a Technical Writer focuses on creating documentation and user-friendly content.

2. Develop a strong understanding of your product or service

To succeed in technical marketing, you must have a deep knowledge of your product or service, including its unique selling points, capabilities, and benefits. This knowledge will help you effectively communicate with your audience.

3. Conduct thorough audience research

Understanding your audience is crucial in technical marketing. Conduct in-depth research to identify their needs, pain points, and preferences. This will enable you to tailor your marketing efforts and create content that resonates with your target audience.

4. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments

To excel in technical marketing, it’s important to stay updated with the latest industry trends and developments. This knowledge will not only help you better understand your audience, but it will also position you as an expert in your field.

5. Hone your technical writing skills

Technical marketing requires clear and concise communication. Hone your technical writing skills to effectively explain complex concepts in a way that is easily understandable for your audience. Use simple language, visual aids, and examples to enhance your content.

6. Collaborate with cross-functional teams

Technical marketing often requires collaboration with other teams, such as product development, engineering, and sales. Build strong relationships with these teams to ensure a seamless flow of information and alignment of marketing strategies.

7. Continuously learn and adapt

The field of technical marketing is constantly evolving. Stay curious, continuously learn new skills, and adapt to changes in the industry. This will help you stay ahead of the competition and deliver effective marketing campaigns.


Technical marketing plays a vital role in effectively communicating complex products and services to knowledgeable audiences. By understanding your audience, sharpening your industry knowledge, and developing strong technical writing skills, you can excel in a technical marketing career. Follow these tips to kickstart your journey in technical marketing and stay adaptable in this ever-changing field.

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