Import your expenses into Djaboo

Have you been using Djaboo for a while now and want to import your existing expenses? Let's find out how to do it together!

You do not need to re-enter all of your expense data. Follow the few steps described below and your expenses will be available on your interface.

1. Access the expenses menu by clicking on the expenses icon in your right menu: #

Expenses menu

2. Click on the import customers button at the top right of your screen: #

Import expenses button

3. Before proceeding with the import, we have provided a template file for you to view and download. This will allow you to successfully import your customers. #

Download Expense Import File Template

4. Please fill in the file and drag it to the popup, and click Next. #

Please note: If you import an element, a person or a project, for example, no problem, this element will be created following the import.

5. Since you have respected the columns of the model file, you have nothing more to do. All you have to do is click on the “Upload” button. #

And hope! Your expenses are in Djaboo 😉