Manage models in Djaboo?

Djaboo is your tool to save time in managing your business.

To do this, we have implemented automated elements such as templates for documents, emails, signatures and tasks. These actions can be customized based on their use.

Let's discover together how to manage your models on Djaboo:

All models available on Djaboo

  1. Models of emails and letters: “Settings"->"Email templates"
  2. To-do list: “Settings"->"Configuration"->"tasks"
  3. Client list: “Settings"->"Customers"->"Categories"
  4. Prospect list: “Settings"->"Prospects"->"Sources"
  5. List of expenses: “Settings"->"finances"->"Expense categories"
  6. Ticket templates: “Settings"->"Support"->"Department"
  7. Landing page templates: “Settings"->"Configuration"->"Landing page"
  8. Configure your signature for customer support: “Settings"->"Employees"->"Edit"
  9. Model contracts: “Settings"->"Contracts"->"Types of contracts"
  10. Invoice templates: “Settings"->"Configuration"->"Invoices"->"Invoices"
  11. Quotation templates: “Settings“-> “Configuration"->"Invoices"->"Quote"
  12. Order templates: “Settings"->"Configuration"->"Orders"
  13. Proposal templates: “Settings"->"Configuration"->"Invoices"->"Offers"