Emails: how to send attachments or documents

In addition to sending quotes and invoices, Djaboo allows you to send any document. Whether it's a public document (like a sales brochure, presentation, or white paper) or a private document aimed at a specific client, Djaboo offers an option for every situation. Let's discover together the two cases available to you!

Example 1: Sending “public” documents  #

Djaboo offers you a “public” library where you can store all kinds of documents.

However, don't worry, these documents are not really public. They are accessible on all your email exchanges, but only if the recipient is also a Djaboo user. So to join one of them in your emails,

Go to your left menu, then “Utilities“, then the tab “Media".

Example 2: Sending “personalized” documents 

Do you want to send a contract, a commercial proposal, an estimate or any other legal document to one of your clients?

You can do this using Djaboo! To attach a document to one of your mailings, go to the customer file.

Once on this page, you will find the tab “Attachment” at the bottom left of the screen. It is in this tab that you can download all the documents relating to this customer and authorize or not to have access to them.

Adding a document to a specific customer

Having all the information you need in one place makes it easy to find it when needed.

The second advantage is that these documents can be attached to the emails sent to your specific customers, which makes it easier for them to access them in their email, but also in the customer portal.