Administrator and member differences in Djaboo

Members and administrators are two different roles in Djaboo and cannot be changed. The member role is used by default for your collaborators. Members can create projects, work on tasks, modify a contact, view activity reports and act on other elements of the software. CRM administrators have access to all of these facets of CRM functionality, in addition to being able to modify CRM settings, such as file sizes or application customization.

The users are individual users who can view and interact with the CRM. For example, a user can add an expense report or a mileage allowance, be involved in a project, be assigned to a task, be assigned to tickets.

The administrator is responsible for everything. it determines which users will be allowed to access CRM resources. Admins can view a user list graph, with each user's information, such as first name, last name, phone number, and status.

It is also possible to create positions with specific permissions. Discover how to do it !