Create a company on Djaboo

Do you want to add a new company with which you collaborate? Let's find out how to do it together!

To create a client in Djaboo, simply click on client in the left menu of your application:

Customer menu

Then click on the “Add a client” button

Add a customer

First, you can fill in the legal information of the company: Name, address, telephone, website, etc. You can classify it in a group, or create one if you don't have one yet, choose the currency used by the customer

In the Billing and Shipping section, if the billing and shipping information are the same, click on “Same as main address” and “Copy billing address” if not, please fill them in.

Click on "Save” To add only the company, if not click on “Save and continue” in order to add the contact with whom you are in relation in the company.

Fill in the contact's first name, last name, email, phone number, fill in their extension, and password. Click on "Save” and perform the same operation in order to add more contact to this customer. If not click on “Close".

NB: A customer area is automatically created to allow the customer to connect directly to your application.

Your customer URL is: