Create recurring expenses

Running a business also means managing a certain number of recurring costs, such as rent, administrative costs, subscriptions and other fixed costs. Beyond the purely economic dimension, these expenses are necessary for the activity and are therefore easy to manage with Djaboo.

You can do this as described below.

Add a recurring expense #

Go to “spending” in your left menu, then click on “Add an expense".

Expense menu

Fill in all the information related to your expense:

Add an expense

Setting up recurring expenses is very simple. On the right side of the advanced option, you can set when this expense should repeat. A custom option to suit your needs is also allowed.

Fill in the recurrence information. (Find out how to fill in expense information)

By activating the button “Repeat each” on the expense, you could specify the recurrence of the expense:

In "Repeat every” specify the number (every one day every two months etc.) and the rhythm (every day, every week, every month or every year). In cycle specify the repeatability of the expense example: 12 for an expense regenerated 12 times. Leave empty if you are in automatic renewal.

Example, I want to take a subscription which is a monthly expense for a year: Then it will be (Repeat every 1 month, with a cycle of 12).

The date of the expense then represents here the start date of creation of the expense, it is the date of the 1st expense that you will issue, example April 01, 2020), all next expenses will be issued on the 01st of the month.

Recurring expenses are now accounted for in Djaboo. Thus, you will be notified for each regeneration of expenses that will be pre-filled.

End recurring expense #

Do you want to end an expense sooner than expected? To do this, go to the page spent, modify the expense by clicking on edit and in Repeat each, select “No selection and Save. Without it, expenses will continue to be generated.