Djaboo-Zoom connection: How does it work?

You will get the Zoom integration settings in Settings > App Settings > Integration > Zoom.

Zoom integration #

You must integrate the Zoom JWT app to sync with meetings Zoom. Please follow the steps below to integrate:

  1. Access to Zoom App Marketplace and log in from the top bar if you are not logged in.

2. Click on the drop-down list Expand in the top bar and click Create Application .
3. Click on Create from the type of application JWT.

4. Choose the name of your application and click on the button Create .

5. On the next page, add the desired information and click the button Continue .

6. Then you will get the application credentials page.

7. Copy the key API and the API secrets and add them to Settings > App Settings > Integration > Zoom And click Save and authorize .

8. When recovering API access, ensure that the Zoom integration status shows authorized .

9. That's it! You have successfully integrated with your Zoom account. You can now create a meeting with the built-in Zoom API.

Other settings #
  • Grant manage permission to non-admin team members from role settings (Settings > Access Permission > Roles). Admin users will still have access.
  • Grant Customer Access permission from Customer Permissions settings (Settings > Customer Portal > Customer Permissions). By enabling this, you can share meetings with them.
  • Then, authorized users will receive a new menu item in the left menu. Labeled as Zoom meetings .
    Please note that if the user left menu or the default left menu is already modified, the Zoom meetings will not be displayed by default. Then you can add the menu manually from the left menu settings.
  • Enable notifications from Settings > App Settings > Notification Settings.

  • Manage email notification templates from Settings > App Settings > Email Templates.

  • Zoom