Djaboo-social login: How does it work?

Table of contents

Features #

  • Integrate Google login.
  • Integrate Facebook login.
  • It will connect directly to your dashboard without entering your password.
  • If the selected account does not exist in RISE and customer registration is enabled, a new customer user will be created and logged in.

You will get social login settings in Settings > Plugins > Social Login .

Google #

Follow these steps to set up Google Login:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your Google credentials if you are not logged in.
  3. If you don't have a project yet, you'll need to create one. You can do this by clicking on the blue text “ Create a project " on the right side ! (If you already have a project, on the top bar, click on your project name instead, which will bring up a modal and click "New project" .)
  4. Name your project then click again on the " Create "!
  5. Once you have a project, you will find yourself in the dashboard. (If you've had a project before, be sure to select the created project from the top bar!)
  6. Click the " OAuth consent screen " on the left side.
  7. Choose option External for User type and press ” Create ".
  8. Enter a name for your application in the field ” Application name “, which will appear as the name of the app requesting consent.
  9. For the “E-” field user support email “, select an email address that users can use to contact you with questions regarding their consent.
  10. In the section " Authorized domains ", Push the button " Add a domain and enter your domain name (without subdomains).
  11. In the section “Contact details of the developer “, enter an email address that Google can use to notify you of any changes to your project.
  12. Press on " Save and continue then press again on the pages “Scopes”, “Test users”!
  13. On the left side, click on the menu item ” Credentials”, then click on the button ” + Create identifiers” in the top bar.
  14. Choose the option” OAuth Client ID “.
  15. Select the " Web app under App Type.
  16. Enter a ” Name ” for your OAuth client ID.
  17. In the section " Allowed redirect URIs ", click on " Add URI ” and add the following URL: . You will find it in your embed setting.
  18. Click on the button " Create "
  19. A modal should appear with your credentials. If this does not happen, go to credentials in the left menu and select your application by clicking on its name and you can copy the “ customer ID " and the " Client Secret from there.
  20. Add them to RISE and click Save and authorize
  21. When recovering API access, make sure the Google Login status shows authorized .
Facebook #

Follow these steps to set up Facebook Login:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your Facebook credentials if you are not logged in
  3. Click the " Create App » and in the Popup choose the type of App « Consumer "!
  4. If you see the message " Become a Facebook Developer ", then you must click on the green button " Register now », Fill out the form and finally verify your account.
  5. Fill in ” Application display name ", " E- contact email of the app “. The specified “App Display Name” will appear on your consent screen .
  6. Optional : choose a ” Business Manager Account ” in the popup, if you have any.
  7. Click the " Create an application and complete the security check.
  8. In the panel ” Add product “, search ” Facebook Login ”And click” Configurator "
  9. Select " Website » and enter the full URL of your site in the field " Site url ».
  10. Press on " Save »
  11. Click on the option” Settings "what you find on the left side, under" Products - Facebook Login "
  12. Add the following URL in the field ” Valid OAuth redirect URIs ' . You will find it in your embed setting.
  13. Click on " Save Changes »
  14. At the top left, click on the menu item " Settings”, then click on “ Basic »
  15. Enter your domain name in the field ” App Domains “. (Example: yourdomain or subdomain.yourdomain)
  16. Fill in the field " Privacy Policy URL ". Provide a publicly available and easily accessible privacy policy that explains what data you collect and how you will use that data.
  17. In " Deletion of user data “, choose the option” Data deletion instructions URL “. You can enter your site URL here, because in RISE only client users have the ability to delete their accounts (if the setting is enabled) and only admins can delete team members.
  18. Select a " Category ", a " app icon » and choose the option « Application Purpose" that best describes your application, then tap " Save Changes »
  19. Your app is currently private, which means only you can log in with it. In the top bar, click the switch next to the label ” In development“, then click on the button” Change mode ".
  20. At the top left, click on the menu item ” App Review” and then click “ Permissions and features "
  21. Look for the line “e- mail ”And click” Get advanced access “. Confirm from the modal.
  22. Look for the line ” public_profile ”And click” Get advanced access “. Confirm from the modal.
  23. At the top left, click on the menu item " Settings”, then click on “ Basic »
  24. At the top of the page you can find your ” App ID ” and you can see your ” secret app ".
  25. Add them to RISE and click Save and authorize
  26. When retrieving API access, make sure the Facebook connection status shows Authorized .

Facebook app maintenance:

Verification of the use of Facebook data: To protect users' privacy, Facebook may ask you to fill out certain forms, so they can ensure that your access to the API and use of your data complies with Facebook's policies.
New levels of data access: Facebook has started replacing the Dev Mode/Live Mode switch in some apps with Standard Access (old Dev Mode) and Advanced Access (old Live Mode), which can be changed on the page. Permissions and features . You can access this page from the left menu of your application, under Examen of the app.