How to create a task?

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Creating a task is very similar to creating projects, but focuses on the actions to be performed. Tasks can be created for simple tasks like “checking Kbis availability” or for more complex tasks with milestones like “Restructure URL links after site optimization and before image migration”. Tasks are also created from projects. Projects refer to actions to be taken, while tasks represent the day-to-day work that needs to be done.

A task in Djaboo allows you to assign missions to your collaborators, to see how much time they spend on the realization of the mission and to have a collaboration space between users.

Create a task #

To create a new task, from the main menu, navigate to tasks And click on the button Add a task .

  • Subject (dropdown menu) – Enter the subject of the task to easily identify it.
  • Hourly rate – Define the hourly rate of the task
  • Start date – Set the date when the task should be valid.
  • Due date – Set the due date by which this task must be completed.
  • Priority – Select task priority, Low, Medium, High, Urgent.
  • Repeat every – If you want to mark this task as recurring to be repeated according to the selected period, select the recurring options according to your needs.
  • Link to – If you want to associate the task to a specific feature like project, customer, invoice, etc., you can choose from this list.
  • Tags– Add task tags for easier identification, eg bug, wordpress, etc…
  • Description of the task – Provides additional information for the task.
  • Click Save

After creating the task, you will be able to add recipients and subscribers directly in the task modal from the right side.

When a collaborator is added to the task, the user receives an email and notifications that they are added as a recipient or responsible for the task . If you need to adjust the email templates sent to the user, you can do so in Settings →Email Templates .

Task Comments #

Users who can view tasks, such as the creator, recipients, and followers, can comment on the task for further collaboration.

To add task comments, in the task modal, click the Comments link and click the empty text box to add comment content.

If you need to attach files with the comment, you can just drag and drop the files to the marked file upload area.

Then do “Save and View"