photography contract

Looking for a free photography contract template? So look no further. You will find one here. Our team has designed a photography contract template that will help you create a contract between you and your client.

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    Free Sample Photography Contract Templates

    To help you grow your business, we've created a fairly simple yet reliable photography contract template in Word and PDF versions so you can use it over and over. 

    What's in this model?

    • The scope of services

    • Cancellation policy

    • Payment terms


    What is a photo contract?

    A photography contract is a legally binding contract between the two parties, the photographer and the client.

    The term "customer" may refer to any person or entity with whom you have established a relationship in this capacity. For example, a client could be an individual, a family, a company that hires you to take photos of their leadership team, or a government entity that may need to take photos during a local election.


    What is photography?

    Photography is an art form based on image manipulation through shooting, developing and printing. Photography is teamwork that includes many stages, such as shooting, developing, printing, and layout. These last steps are either carried out by professionals (for example a printer) or by the photographer himself.

    The photographer is therefore a professional who is committed to providing quality work to clients.


    What are the types of photography contracts?

    When taking professional photographs, there are two types of contracts: the rental contract or lease and the rental contract for use. The rental agreement can be for a limited or unlimited period. The lease for use is a contract that allows the person who rented the photo, to use this photo for all kinds of possible uses such as brochures, leaflets, posters, etc.


    Do I still have to make a photography contract?

    Having a photography contract for all clients is essential, and more so, it is necessary for business owners to enforce what is in the agreement. Contracts are actually about building healthy relationships with your customers. 

    Your customers may or may not be interested in contracts. That's why it's your job to make contracts an integral part of your process with every client you photograph. Your clients will respect you and your work more when you confidently assume the role of a businessman.

    Contracts also make it easier for photographers, who can't say no directly to their clients, can blame the contract and say it was in the contract we agreed to. Business owners who have a written agreement take a huge load off their shoulders. 

    While it is essential to have this document, “stuffing stuff” can do more harm than help. Instead of paying attention to the most important details of your contract, clients are just sifting through handfuls of mud that aren't even applicable. In court, these written agreements can be invalidated if they weigh too heavily in favor of the protection of the photographer and do not offer sufficient protection to the client. So never mention unnecessary things that might not make sense in your contract. 

    The best way to make sure your business is covered is to make sure you have a photography contract and have a lawyer review it before using it with clients. Pay attention to special local or national stipulations that can work against you (or in your favour!) if you should ever be faced with a difficult situation.


    Importance of the photography contract

    A contract is important so that you and your client are clear about what to expect from each other. The crucial part of a contract is that the parties involved must agree to all the terms and conditions stated in the document. A good contract anticipates any potential conflicts or issues and takes them into account so that you remain covered as a photographer and business owner.

    A contract also serves as a relationship-building tool, showing your customers that you want to provide clear communication, set expectations, and keep promises. One of the main reasons for having a contract for your photography work is that it makes your business more valuable to clients because they know they can build a relationship with you based on trust.


    How to write a photography contract?

    It's hard to know where to start even if you don't know how to create a photography contract template.

    There are many free contract templates online. Be aware that any photography contract template found online will require some tweaking.

    Free photography contract templates can be a good place to start. Especially if you don't yet have the funds to hire a lawyer to create your photography contracts for you.

    As soon as you are able to invest in a lawyer's time, we recommend that you do so.

    Having your photography contracts reviewed by a lawyer will ensure that it is a legally binding document. It could defend you in court, if that day ever comes (and we hope it doesn't!).



    Important Terms

    What should your photo contract contain?

    It is important to take note of the distinctions between photography clients. They are generally considered consumers and traders. It depends on your company who you are dealing with.

    You can define commercial photography as the creation of photos for use in materials that generate revenue. This can include packaging, marketing and sales. Commercial images may include lifestyle, landscape, portrait, architecture, food and fashion images. It also includes any other form of photography used to sell a product/service or advertise someone.

    A photography contract usually includes basic elements such as the names of the parties and payment information. The following points should be included when concluding a photography contract:

    • Contact details of both parties: it can be quite obvious. But both parties must have their full names and contact details. It is a time when individuals create arrangements on Instagram via private message or text message. Ask for a full name and a way to contact the customer while providing your own contact information.

    • Start date of the photo contract and shooting date (if applicable): It is important to have a contract that specifies the start date. This allows both parties to keep track of when the contract started.

    • Description of service including location and time: it is the main component of a photography contract. This is a summary of what each party will provide. It includes the customer's economic total as well as what is offered for the payment you specify in return.

    • Information on the payment of the service, the cancellation and the deposit: This is usually the last element but also very important. A photography contract for a session must also include a fixed price quote. Your organization may have sophisticated payment options just like other businesses. These may include preliminary fees, additional fees, payable fees, taxes, cancellation policies, etc.

    • Deliverables: each agreement should state in clear terms what you (the contracted photographer) will be offering to the client. Usually this can take the form of minimal photos that you agree to give the client. It can be any number like twelve hundred or twelve. It all depends on the specific event and the management style of your photography business.

    • Customer Responsibility: The photography is a reciprocal agreement between you and the client. It is not uncommon for you to ask your client to assist or collaborate with you. It helps you do your job more efficiently. The general photography contract can be a way of outlining the expectations or obligations you want your client to fulfill.

    • Long-term image rights for both parties: if there is a client who pays you to take photos, a common question that comes up is who owns it? You took them, so that's your job. But since the customer bought them, it also means that it is a form of ownership. Set clear license terms to avoid ambiguity if you want to retain certain rights.

    • Authorization type: This is a provision that acts as a potential legal authorization option that the client/subject in question signs. In the case of a minor, the guardian or parent of a photograph will do. It gives the photographer permission to have a photo published in a form, which is usually for marketing and portfolio materials. With regard to minor children, we cannot stress enough the importance of the inclusion of this provision.

    • Cancellation policy: this is an essential policy, as it aims to preserve your time spent and reduce your unforeseen overhead. It is also important to be up to date with your client/customer and highlight this provision specified in the contract. Make sure the customer knows that a last-minute cancellation or no-show will incur charges, especially when it comes to travel.


    Can I write my own photography contract?

    You certainly can, but you could also make massive mistakes doing it. For example, many photography contracts stipulate that a client must make a deposit and then a final payment. Then the contract states that if the client cancels the shoot, the photographer doesn't have to return the money. BAD! In many states, the photographer should return the money.

    However, a simple wording change may cause the photographer to retain the deposit in the event of cancellation by the client. All you have to say is that the payment is an "upfront payment" and the purpose is to book the photographer's time which they will not advertise as available. Otherwise, it may be treated as an unearned down payment.

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      FAQs about our photography contract templates

      We recognize that the layout terms of your contract may need to be modified to be in line with your client's needs. That's why we have also created the contract in Word format so that you can make the adjustments you want. If you want to make any significant changes to the template, we offer the assistance of an attorney or solicitor to ensure you are still protected.