Land purchase contract

The land purchase agreement is a legal document that sets out the terms of purchase and sale between the seller and the tenant. It is a contract that must be drawn up before the building permits are issued, because both parties sign it. It is therefore important to establish it well so that neither the buyer nor the seller is caught up in any dispute in the future. To avoid disputes, it is therefore imperative to write it well.

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    Free Sample Land Purchase Agreement Template

    To help you grow your business, we have created a fairly simple yet reliable Land Purchase Agreement Template in Word and PDF versions so you can use it over and over.

    What's in this model?

    • Property details

    • Additional payments 

    • Terms of purchase

    What is a land purchase contract?

    The land purchase contract is a legal document that is used for an exchange of land between a seller and a buyer. It may also be known as a Real Estate Agreement, Residential Real Estate Purchase Agreement, and Real Estate Purchase Agreement.

    What is land purchase?

    Land purchase is a contract that allows a buyer to acquire real estate (property) from a seller. A land purchase agreement is a legal contract that must be completed by both parties for the transfer of ownership to be valid and for it to be registered with the relevant authorities.

    What are the types of land purchase contracts?

    There are several types of land purchase contracts on the market. The two main contracts are the contract of sale and the contract of purchase of assets. Sales contract is concluded when all the conditions are met for the sale or rental of a property, while the asset purchase contract is a kind of long-term lease that allows the buyer to rent land while waiting for the price of the land to rise and then buying the land at a higher price.

    When do I need a real estate purchase contract?

    You need a real estate purchase contract if: 

    • You are a potential buyer or seller of residential property.

    • You want to define the legal rights of each party to the sale.

    • You describe the respective duties of each party prior to the transfer of legal title.

    How does a land contract work?

    The land contract is a legal agreement in which the seller agrees to finance the property for the buyer in exchange for the buyer agreeing to the terms of the land contract. 

    The contract includes the following information:

    • A legal description of the property

    • Names and addresses of buyer and seller

    • Purchase price

    • Advance payment

    • Interest rate

    • term of the loan

    • Payment schedule 

    • How the seller will charge the buyer for late payments

    • How long does the buyer have to catch up on late payment?

    • Who is responsible for maintenance, repairs, taxes and insurance

    • A requirement that the seller provide proof of title

    • A requirement that the seller legally register the agreement

    Once the deed is signed by both parties, the buyer gets fair title. The documents allow the buyer to have equity in the property and prevent the seller from selling the property to someone else. The purchaser also obtains the right to the property for its improvement.

    Important Terms

    What is included in the real estate purchase contract?

    When drafting a real estate purchase agreement, you must carefully mention the terms of the agreement, so that both the buyer and the seller know what to expect from this purchase agreement. 

    Follow the simple steps to draft your deed of land purchase:

    • Mention the address of the purchased property, including all required legal descriptions.

    • Add the names and addresses of the buyer and the seller.

    • Enter the details of the property's price and the terms of the purchase.

    • Set the closing date and closing costs.

    • Mention taxes and other related costs and specify which party pays for these costs.

    • Include additional items (if any) that are to be sold with the property, such as furniture or equipment.

    • Mention required disclosures regarding issues such as lead paint or other hazardous materials on the property.

    • Provide details of any contingencies of the sale, such as pending inspections or appraisals or other required actions related to the purchase.

    Is there a difference between a residential and commercial land contract?

    Residential land contracts usually involve a single unit of ownership. Whereas commercial land contracts can include a large number of units of properties to create a larger unit.

    Precautions and checks before buying the land 

     During the process of buying the land, you must be diligent and careful. Insurance companies and land surveyors can help you find out if your land has any sanitation issues and if they are willing to take the appropriate corrective action. There are different reasons why you should hire a field expert. External factors such as soils, drainage and topography can help you make a more informed decision about your choice of land. A land expert can also advise you on the best ways to treat the soil and get the most out of your new land.

    When buying land, you should always consider the possibility of contamination. Contaminated soils can cause health problems and serious health problems in children, pregnant women and the elderly.

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      FAQ on our land purchase contract templates

      I acknowledge that the terms of page of your contract can duty be modified to be online with the needs of your customer. This is why we have also created the contract in Word format so that you can doing the adjustments that you wish. If you want bring significant changes to the model, we you offer to get help from a solicitor or solicitor to make sure you still have protection.

      A real estate purchase contract can be canceled if there are contingencies listed on the contract which state that each party has the right to cancel the contract. A seller or a buyer can terminate a real estate purchase contract if he changes his mind.

      The real estate purchase agreement is usually prepared by the buyer's agents if they are legally licensed to practice law. Otherwise, they cannot create their own legal contracts.